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The 2nd Amendment – History vs The Myths


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There is an ongoing debate in this great country over our right to keep and bear arms. Perhaps you’ve heard about this. It’s been in the news for a long time.

There are those amongst us…liberals…who believe that our right to own guns should be taken away, and that such a move would end all of the problems related to people shooting other people. It wouldn’t, but they seem to want us to believe it would.

What that would do however, is render the American people incapable of two things…protecting themselves against others who intend to do them harm…and protect themselves against a tyrannical government that intends to do them harm.

I think we all know what liberals, who intend to make this a socialist country which would be but one short step from a communist country are thinking. No citizenry can be overtaken by such tyranny if they happen to be armed to the teeth…but an unarmed citizenry would be a pushover.

On the other hand…

There are those amongst us that believe we have a right to lock and load…to be armed…and that that right is not at the whim of the government at all.

To fully explore the different sides of the equation, the history vs the myths, the first thing that must be done is to understand the 2nd Amendment.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

There are two interpretations of that amendment that fuel the debate. The first is that our Founders and Framers intended each state to have a militia, and that only the select few who would be members of such a state militia were to be allowed guns. That is a myth.

The second line of thinking is that the amendment means that all citizens have the right to keep and bear arms whether or not they happen to be a member of any given state’s militia. That is a matter of historical fact.

So…the question becomes…how should the 2nd Amendment be interpreted? What exactly did the Founders and Framers mean by it? To answer these questions one first has to have a bit of insight into the author of the amendment, and that would be a fellow by the name of James Madison. His friends called him Jim.

Jim was a pretty smart fellow, and given that a citizenry of well-armed folks had just kicked England’s ass in a revolution, it would seem clear that Jim knew well the value of an armed people. In fact, had it not been for average people keeping the Red Coats on the run while our fledgling army and navy struggled to defeat the King’s forces, we would have never won the war to begin with.

Why would Jim Madison, having just won a revolution against a tyrannical government want to intentionally disarm the very citizenry who played such a major role in that victory? Why would ol’ Jim, having just become independent from tyranny want to put the people of his new nation at risk of being taken over by that same tyrannical government, or any future tyrannical government that might try to invade, or spring up from within?

Simply put…he wouldn’t.

To Jim, and his fellow Founders, Framers and American citizens at large, a “well regulated militia” clearly meant…a well-armed populace.

Liberals ague that point, and try to tell us that what Jim Madison really meant was that every state was to have a government controlled fighting force, and that only the few who were members of that government controlled fighting force would be allowed to gun up.

Now think about this very carefully, and while you do, bear in mind that Madison was pretty happy damned smart…had Madison intended that only members of a government controlled fighting force in each state be given permission to own a gun…don’t you think he would have stated just that in his 2nd Amendment? Instead, what ol’ Jim wrote was that… “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The right of the people…of the people…THE PEOPLE…“shall not be infringed.”

“The people” sure seems to be pretty inclusive doesn’t it? Not some people, not a few people, not certain people controlled by a state or federal government entity…”THE PEOPLE” as in the American people…all of them… “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

An example of an infringement would be if only some of the people, or a select few of the people who are members of some government controlled group were the only people allowed to own a gun under Madison’s 2nd Amendment.

Further evidence against the liberal militia interpretation can easily be found in what else is not contained in the 2nd Amendment, or anywhere else for that matter…any percentage of each states populous that would be allowed to be members of some government controlled militia. There’s a reason for that too…Madison obviously knew the threat of tyranny, and he knew that any limit on the number of people allowed to possess guns would thus limit our ability to fend off such a threat, and that is why no such limit was included.

Myth number two…

Liberals are fond of telling us that we don’t need more than one or two guns for hunting, and that we certainly don’t need certain guns for hunting.

Okay…let’s examine the time frame of the writing of the 2nd Amendment. Madison penned that bit of solid wisdom shortly after the Constitution was officially ratified in 1787. 1787 was, for those who aren’t exactly familiar with the dates surrounding our nation’s founding, just four years after the Revolutionary War ended. That’s right…it did not end on July 4th, 1776. That isn’t even when it started. It started on April 19th, 1775 with “The shot heard ’round the world.” It ended on September 3rd , 1783 with the “Peace of Paris.”

July 4th, 1776 was the day we told the British to bugger off. They apparently didn’t take it well, and kept on shooting at us for another 7 years.

Anyway…the Revolutionary War was not a hunting trip…it was a war, and there is no mention of “hunters only” in the 2nd Amendment. Now had ol’ Jim Madison intended the amendment to apply only to hunting, or to hunters, he surely would have taken the opportunity to put that in his amendment. And further trouncing of the liberal myth that the 2nd Amendment has something to do with going hunting is exposed by their first myth…had it had anything at all to do with hunting…were what liberals consider to be a select few who were to be members of a government controlled fighting force supposed to also be out there hunting up dinner for the rest of the American populous, who according to liberal think would have been only allowed to try a beat a duck or a deer to death with a stick?

Second liberal 2nd Amendment myth dispensed of, and now onto the third…

Liberals often try to add gravitas to their anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment argument by asking gun owners why they need so many guns, or why they think they need certain guns. “Why does anyone need 20 guns?” “Why does anyone need a gun that holds so many bullets?” “Why do you need a gun that can fire in rapid succession?”

Well, thanks to the 2nd Amendment, it’s nobody’s business why we have what we have with regard to our guns, and it certainly isn’t supposed to be any of the government’s business either.

Remember…”shall not be infringed.”

That leads us to the final myth liberals try to advance in any debate regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Liberals are quite fond of telling gun owners that the 2nd Amendment is limited to muskets, because that’s what was available when that amendment was written. Liberals always seem to try and advance the theory that Madison could have only been referring to muskets, and could not have meant any other sorts of guns that might come along in what was to be his future.

Bull biscuits.

Ol’ Jim Madison authored the 2nd Amendment so that people could protect themselves, their property and our nation against any enemy, foreign or domestic. Being the smart fellow that he was, he would have foreseen advancements in firearms, just as he and his fellow Founders and Framers could foresee that advancements in other realms of society, and technology were inevitable.

What Madison intended was for the citizens of the nation to be as well armed as any tyrannical government’s armies so as to have the capability to defeat such tyranny.

Madison would have been well aware of the history of firearms, from their beginning in 1,000AD by the Chinese when gunpowder was employed to fire a spear, through various advancements that took firearms from bamboo barrels to metal, to advancements in the sorts of projectiles used, to Breech-loaded guns of the 14th century and the hand-held cannons of the 16th century. By Madison’s day, the musket was the most advanced gun available, but do you really think ol’ Jim thought that would be the end of it…hat gun tech would never advance beyond the tech of his day? And before any of the liberals reading this try to claim otherwise, just remember who Madison’s compatriots were.

We’re talking about the likes of Thomas Jefferson, whose friends called him Tom. He was the man behind several revolutionary inventions including the copy machine, and the wheel cipher. If you’re unfamiliar with those and other things Tom invented or improved upon, might I suggest opening a few more windows in a search engine and reading up on them. In fact, Tom Jefferson actually invented what could well be considered the first such system capable of allowing a reader nearly instant access to at least five sources of information at a time…he called it a revolving book stand.

How About Benjamin Franklin, whose friends called him Ben. Ben invented bifocals, the lightning rod, and…among numerous other things…the glass armonica.

Tom Paine, whose friends called him Thomas actually came up with something of a mode of transportation that utilized a sort of internal combustion engine back in the days of the horse and buggy. It proved to be a bit impractical as it used gun powder rather than gasoline…but he was obviously thinking way ahead of his time.

George Washington whose friends called him…George…invented a better way to separate grain…and to be sure, our Founders and Framers were replete with such minds that would refine the way average people did average things in the worlds of science, architecture and even agriculture. And let us not forget the women of the day, as they too served who stayed home and baked tasty deserts with the shelf life of uranium. I love Dolly Madison’s delicious snack cakes.

The point being, our Founders and Framers, including Jim Madison were forward thinking men who established a nation of forward thinking people who were not satisfied with the 18th century technological status quo, and who created a Constitution, and a Bill of Rights that they knew would have to stand the test of time…not just their time. They knew that military weaponry would evolve, and they also knew that the people’s right to keep and bear arms would likewise need to evolve in order for the people to have a fighting chance.

Have you ever heard of the Puckle Gun? The Puckle puts liberals in something of a pickle, as the Puckle was a multi-chambored machine gun of sorts patented in 1718…70 years before the writing of the 2nd Amendment. It didn’t work very well, and it was no Gatling Gun, but it sure as hell wasn’t a musket either.

While it was held for some time that the 2nd Amendment only applied to the federal government, that changed in 2008, and was reaffirmed in 2010 when the Supremes…the Justices, not the Motown group, held that the 2nd Amendment applies equally to state and local governments as well as the federal government, and none shall infringe upon it.

There can be no doubt that the liberals of the land will continue to try to chip away at the 2nd Amendment by continuing to try and find ways to infringe upon it, but there should also be no doubt about what James Madison intended when he wrote it, as it is pretty clear in its wording…“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

A word of warning to our liberal anti-gun nut friends…if you try to take our guns, we’ll make the first American revolution look like a Sunday social because we know it’s the 2nd Amendment that protects all the rest, and if you can’t protect your rights…you don’t have any.

If you think we’re kidding…

As the Greek King Leonidas, whose friends called him Testiculese once said…Molon labe.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/thenationalpatriot.com 2019/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Takeaways and Ramifications of the Recent G7 Summit



Due to Hurricane Dorian…and with Diane living within the infamous “cone”…Right Side Patriots will NOT be on tomorrow night but will return live on Friday, September 6th at its regularly scheduled time and place. Look for us at: http://listen.samcloud.com/w/73891/American-Political-Radio#history…or on Tune-In at: https://tunein.com/radio/American-Political-Radio-s273246/

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